Tunnel To Another World

Tunnel To Another World

Tunnel To Another World is a sound art work that portrays, as the title suggests, a journey via tunnel to another world, and return. What might one hear on such a journey? Possibly environmental sounds, mechanical sounds, and minimal examples of human voice, real or imagined. How might these sounds contribute to an overarching narrative? By creating a sense of immersion, a sense of being in the place, of making the journey yourself. By engaging your imagination.


Arabic Electronic Literature Conference Arabic Electronic Literature: New Horizons and Global Perspectives
Invited exhibition, international, 2:00
Rochester Institute of Technology Dubai, Dubai, UAE
February 25-27, 2018
A 2:00 sample, titled There and Back: An Electronic Literature Sound-based Journey, included in Elektroniya, a curated exhibition of original creative works of electronic literature associated with Arabic Electronic Literature: New Horizons and Global Perspectives conference, the first focusing on electronic literature in the Arab region. One of seven works invited. Listen to There and Back.

Shapeshifting Texts exhibition International Conference on Digital Media and Textuality
Juried exhibition, international, 23:10
Universität Bremen, Germany
3-5 November 2016
Included in Exhibition Shapeshifting Texts: An Exhibition about Electronic and Experimental Literature associated with conference.

Workshop imageNature Meets Technology
Soundscapes and field recordings workshop
Invited exhibition, international, 23:10
Lazerpole, Macedonia
27-28 June 2015
Invited by international sound artist Toni Dimitrov for his workshop.

PNEM logoPNEM (Platform New Experimental Music) Sound Art Festival
Juried exhibition, international, 23:10
Uden, The Netherlands
15-16 November 2014
The annual festival highlights new experimental music, noise and sound installations, acoustic and electronic, performance and visual music produced by international sound and video artists. 2014 schedule.


Tunnel To Another World is a sound-based narrative, told without dependence on human voice, about a journey through a tunnel to another world, and back. Other sounds, environmental and mechanical, real and imagined, move the narrative forward by engaging the listener's imagination. What might one hear? How might these sounds contribute to an overarching narrative? Life passages, changes, fears, release, imagination, and overlay of aural images are all possible interpretations.

The work was created and submitted in response to an international open call for PNEM (Platform New Experimental Music) Sound Art Festival, Uden, The Netherlands, 15-16 November 2014. Tunnel To Another World was later exhibited in other venues as noted in the "Exhibitions" section.


Object: Audio file
Format: mp3
Bit Rate: 356kbs
Duration: 23:10 (with shorter iterations)
Created: 2014
Modified: 2018
Creator: John F. Barber
Image: A South Polar Pit or an Impact Crater?, detail from image acquired by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) shows it is late summer in the Southern hemisphere, so the Sun is low in the sky and subtle topography is accentuated in orbital images. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona. Source: NASA Mars Exploration Image Gallery. Status: Public Domain.
Original/Edited Files Available: Yes

Artist Statement

Whether printed or pixelated, at the heart of every literary experience is the sound of the storyteller's voice. Even if not present, the storyteller can be imagined in our mind. Imagination is powerful enough to transport us into the story world.

Tunnel To Another World takes a different approach. As a narrative composed from several different sounds—environmental, mechanical, real, imagined—it is not dependent upon human voice to move the story forward. Nor is text displayed on a computer screen necessary. Instead, this story seeks our engagement through listening.

Tunnel To Another World tells a story of journey to a different place. The sounds along the way engage listeners' imaginations, and create opportunities for immersion that are deep, and rich. Using our imagination, we can create worlds and ways to be in them.